A Beginner's Guide to Running - THE BOOK - including delivery

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A Beginner's Guide to Running - THE BOOK - including delivery

Sale Price:A$12.00 Original Price:A$28.00

A Beginner’s Guide to Running, in paperback, delivered across Australia.

This book was written for the mums who are a little bit left of centre, a little bit awkward, a little bit forgetful. They lose track of free-dress days, they take their children to school on the wrong kindy day and they put anchovies instead of oranges into crunch ‘n’ sip containers. They are not super mum. They are not hashtag blessed. They’re just a girl, standing in front of the clock, counting down the minutes until bedtime.

 Unlike the title suggests, the novel isn’t actually about running, but rather, a slightly awkward woman’s struggle to figure out where she fits, after her controlling husband dies. 

First edition of 500

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